What Started It All…
It all began one summer day many years ago during a weekend camping trip, where someone had a litter of puppies for sale. There was one puppy in particular that kept wandering into our campsite. Three marshmallows and precisely 23 licks on the face later, we knew we were not leaving without that puppy. Little did we know at the time, but that little yellow lab that pounced playfully into our lives would bless us not only with love and companionship, but also with a hobby, passion, and career that would define our lives forever. That little puppy was our Labrador, Maverick, who, while now resting in peace, continues to inspire us with his love for life and devotion to his family. From that weekend on, our goal was to make pet care our life. We dreamed of having a lodging and training facility that would be the next best thing to home for any pet… one that we would feel good leaving our dogs at. We are blessed to have been living that dream for years now and are always excited to be continuing our vision with new and exciting ideas to make your dog’s life even better.

Why We Love What We Do
Welcome to Hidden Acres Pet Resort. Our decision years ago to make pet care our life has truly defined us… who we are, what we believe, and what we stand for. We are blessed that what began as a hobby and passion was able to be turned into our lifelong career. It is important that people know that Hidden Acres Pet Resort is a family owned and operated business, with qualified and caring staff members that extend our Hidden Acres family. We are proud to stand behind what we do. If you are reading this, we are guessing that your pet, like ours, is a loved and cherished member of the family. We whole-heartedly understand and respect that devotion. So, from our home to yours, we invite your pet to be a part of our extended family, here at Hidden Acres Pet Resort.